Energy Saving
Fume Cupboards Tips to Reduce Your Energy Costs
We have several ways to help you reduce your energy costs while maximising your efficiency. These include:
- fume head controllers;
- auto sash controllers;
- duct pressure controllers;
- fume cupboard VAV systems.
You could be reducing your carbon footprint, and your energy costs by as much as 85%, while continuing to provide the right level of protection from hazardous substances and fumes.

Product can be supplied as Bench mounted or Walk-in Units
Our energy saving tips:
- switch off your fume cupboard overnight and at weekends;
- reduce your fume cupboard’s face velocity – 0.5m/s down to 0.4m/s saves 20% extract volume (depending on containment use);
- reduce the fume cupboard’s sash opening depending on use – but be mindful of the end user’s comfort;
- control the fume cupboard fan’s motor speed with an inverter – slowing a fan motor by 20% saves nearly 50% in energy consumption.
If you want to know more about energy saving, contact

If you are interested in our services please feel free to message using the contact form or alternatively call Fumetec on 0161 727 8880.